Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Into Canterbury

We must get on the road earlier! It was after 11 before we left Conway river and drove into Cheviot. We enquired at the Council Office about census forms and were given the 0800 number we had rung the day before. We decided to wait until we got to Amberly which is a bigger centre. On the way we stopped at Motunau Beach 16 Kms. off the main highway. This is a very interesting spot with a river going to the sea and a square island which looks as though a piece of the land has fallen into the water. After eating lunch, and watching Dr. Phil, we carried on to Amberley. Here we phoned the Census hotline and found that we were parked almost outside the local office. We filled out the forms in the office so this pair of New Zealanders have been counted. We spent the night at the Amberley Beach Domain. This is a low cost camp where payment is by an honesty box system. $5 00 for the night is very reasonable to have water and toilets. When we arrived we used the little washing machine, washed and partially dried a load. By the time the washing was dry today it was midday again. we moved on to Kaiapoi where Mike did a shop. Lorna is not yet able to walk round a store but each day is better. We arranged to stay at the Kaiapoi Bowling Club but they had a tournament in progress so we waited until the bowlers went home. While we were waiting Mike went for a walk and found a pub. On impulse he went in and bought a beer. A group of locals invited him to join their group and not drink alone. He had one more beer before going back to Lorna and parking the bus for the night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and Lorna
I'm enjoying your blog, and taking note of the places you find to park in for future reference. Also decided not to try riding motor scooters, my mountain bike being dangerous enough. We're back at Ambury, Nancy's relief teaching for the next month, and I've got a job helping with the parks teaching programme. So townie Val will be standing at the stockyards expounding on cattle genetics, amongst other things. I'm finding using the internet too expensive through the mobile, have to wait for a land line.

11:32 AM  

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