Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The floor is down

The floor is down. The building inspector came on Monday and asked for a small alteration to the reinforcing, which was accomplished while he was here. On Tuesday the first concrete truck arrived just after 9 am. The concrete contractor and his mate worked hard barrowing the mix around and by 11 am the floor was all in place. Screeding and floating took most of the rest of the day. My task for the last two days has been to keep the floor wet. This means moving a sprinkler about every 20 minutes – a task within my capabilities. The weather has been sunny and warm which means that there is a danger of the floor cracking if it dries too quickly.
My knee is improving all the time. On Saturday I knelt on it several times and it reminded me that this was not a wise move. It took until Monday for the soreness to subside. The swelling seems to be reducing slowly al the time. In the mornings it only looks about twice the size of the other one.
Yesterday I went down to the Coastguard radio shack to investigate becoming one of the radio operators. It seems to be a pretty relaxed outfit and I am sure I could handle it once a week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds and looks gtrs Mike, have a lovely weekend! Erin

10:32 PM  

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